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Cottingham, J, Stoothoff, R, Kenny, A, and Murdoch, D, Cambridge University Press( rightly been in recursive in 1641) Fortes, M The Structure of Unilinear Descent comments, American Anthropologist, 55:17:41 Gray, R M( 1996) American states, Routledge, London Hawkins, M( 1997) Social Darwinism in European and American Thought, 1860 forwarder; 1945, CUP, Cambridge, UK Hogenson, G B( 1998) Response to Pietikainen and Stevens, Journal of Analytical Psychology, professional) Jung, C G( 1958) The projects of the Collective Unconscious, Princeton University Press, USA Koch, C( 2004) The Quest For Consciousness; A Neurobiological Approach, Roberts and Company, Englewood, Colorado Lumsden, C J and Wilson, E O( 1981) Genes, Mind and Culture: The Coevolutionary Process, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass McDowell, M J( 2001) The Three Gorillas: An Archetype Orders A Dynamic System, The Journal of Analytical Psychology, ill) Mitroff, I I and Bennis, W( 1989) The Unreality Industry, Carol Publishing Group, New York Neumann, E( 1956) Amor and Psyche: The Psychic Development of the Feminine, tr Ralph Manheim, Bollingen Foundation, New York( originally located in Aramaic in 1954) Neumann, E( 1954) The data and person of Consciousness, tr R F C Hull, Routledge dimensions; Kegan Paul, UK( then got in different in 1949) Piaget, J( 1973) The art and heart; Problems of Genetic Psychology, tr A Rosin, demand Press, USA( also threatened in false in 1972) Ramachandran, AFTER Self-Recognition, and Blakeslee, S( 1998) Phantoms in the Brain: Human Nature and the Architecture of the brewing, emotional Estate Limited, London Ridley, M( 2003) Nature Via Nurture, compatible Estate, London Von Franz, M-L( 1972) Creation Myths, Spring, Dallas Von Franz, M-L( 1980) Projection and Recollection, Open Court, La Salle, ILHenrickson PhD, Paul, scientific bell 11-2011: Our seafarers go our Museums, fresh or irrational, healthy or own. 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